Meaning of (बंद करना) band karna in english

As noun : button Ex:  A button that just hatched
plug Ex:  The Argentine plug is a three-wire earthed plug rated at 10 A pack up lock Ex:  dégrossir a block of marble, a room Wood leave off pack it in turn Ex:  Action to turn the hand stop Ex:  After an overnight stop drop bung up pen Ex:  It also says a bucket where we take the ink with pen and more commonly called ENCRIER break Ex:  Breaking the hand of a young man writing; break the writing cut Ex:  Johnston’s speed was cut to less than half can Ex:  Gimme that there can of nails . close Ex:  They were a close family and highly supportive nail Ex:  Sort of Arts nail whose tip is intended to be slaughtered and flattened, so as to secure a room to another stopple stopper shut down Ex:  The project was shut down in June of 1989 bank Ex:  According to the world bank
As verb : block Ex:  dégrossir a block of marble, a room Wood switch off get off knock off turn off Ex:  Remember to turn off the power when you leave enclose Ex:  Enclose, enclose occlude shut off fold discontinue Ex:  HRH The Duke of Kent, decided to discontinue the tradition. close up immure
Other : to close/stop/shut/discontinue yoke shut Ex:  Although the synagogues and churches were not shut down
Suggested : an act or instance of knocking off to receive or come to have possession , use, or enjoyment of a slender, flexible shoot, rod, etc, used especially in whipping or disciplining a small disk, knob, or the like for sewing or otherwise attaching to an article, as of clothing, serving as a fastening when passed through a buttonhole or loop a solid mass of wood, stone, etc, usually with one or more flat or approximately flat faces
Exampleबंद करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of बंद करना:
1. अमेरिका ने गुरुवार को दो टूक शब्दों में कहा कि पाकिस्तान को आतंकियों को सुरक्षित पनाहगाह उपलब्ध करना बंद करना ही होगाlivehindustan.com2. 500 और 1000 रुपये के नोट बंद करना साहसिक कदम: राष्ट्रपतिlivehindustan.com3. 500, 1000 के नोट बंद करना सही या गलत, करें वोट
(बंद करना) band karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ba.nda karanaa

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